This page will keep you updated on specific items needed for our trip to Ethiopia this summer. Some items will be used for travel, some we will use in our home in Bantu, and some items will be given as small gifts as we engage in ministry. I will update as items are fulfilled or added! Thank you!
*Suitcases for travel: large, checked-baggage sized, rolling suitcases (These DO NOT need to be in great condition. We would be appreciative of ones you are getting ready to throw out!)
*OFF Bug Spray
*Plastic shower curtain and hooks
*Rolls of duct tape
*Twin fitted sheets
*Twin plastic mattress covers
*Hanging shower caddy
*Wall hooks/hangers with sticky backs
*Antibacterial wipes (Wet Ones) and regular baby wipes
Praying each day for your family!!! So excited to see what the Lord is doing in your lives. I enjoy reading every word of your adventures! I hope you will be able to use the blankets. I have fabric to make more to send with Larry's mom when she comes. Let me know if you want them and I will get them to her! Blessings to you all!